latino lingo

All things related to effective Hispanic marketing, Hispanic advertising and Hispanic public relations.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Sex in Spanish -- the right way

Ever wonder how to properly say, "Who's your daddy" in Spanish? If so, look to SalónEspañol, a very interesting and informative site by Raul Guerrero, author of Llegar a 100: Chronicle of a Heart Attack and Azul: Language and Culture.

Described as, "A place for Spanish-language students and native speakers to discuss culture, books, history and the Spanish language," the blog site takes you through discussions and examples of the Spanish language.

Beyond the funny, and educative, section on Sex in Spanish, the site is a wealth of information about the language, and you can ask Mr. Guerrero questions.

And, while marketing to Hispanics goes well beyond communicating in Spanish, as I've mentioned frequently, the proper use of Spanish when communicated to the broad Hispanic market is critical. One word or phrase can be interpreted differently by people from different countries. This site is a nice primer for those who want to learn, those that want to avoid mistakes, or those that think they already know but really don't.

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