latino lingo

All things related to effective Hispanic marketing, Hispanic advertising and Hispanic public relations.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Me, bitter?

NEWS FLASH ... even though Colombia failed to qualify for the 2006 World Cup, FIFA announced it will still allow the global tournament to take place ...

The final draw, or sorteo, will air tomorrow around the world at 2:30 including on Univision. The tournament again promises to be a huge global event and will again be a great avenue for companies to catch the attention of key demographics.

To put into context, more than 35 million in the U.S. watched the 2002 tournament from Japan and Korea even though most games took place in the middle of the night, according to an article in Marketing y Medios. The benefit for the 2006 tournament, which will be held in Germany, is most games will air on Univision during the day. In addition, the "game of the day"will rebroadcasted during primetime on their sister station Telefutura .

Some companies, like McDonald's, have not only jumped on the bandwagon, but their actually steering it. This is a great opportunity for them to do local store marketing, promote their healthy menu items and focus on fitness/health, and their new coffee.

If you're not a global or U.S. sponsor, don't fret. There are plenty of ways to promote your goods and services with some creative and strategic thinking. Opportunities about for those that want to hitch on to the fever or seek ways to fuse many cultures together. By this I don't imply restaurants should start offering adobo-flavored wienerschnitzels


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