latino lingo

All things related to effective Hispanic marketing, Hispanic advertising and Hispanic public relations.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Hispanic Portal Launches

The Hispanic Professional Network re-launched its website HispanicPortal.Org on Friday at the city hall in Hartford.

The site features a new look, new content and more resources for Latinos. It also offers a lot for non Hispanics, as it is a place to learn about our community and learn what we have to offer and contribute to the communities we live in.

The portal is also home to HPN’s Hispanic Events Calendar for the northeast, a tool to maximize participation and eliminate overlapping of major events within the Hispanic community.

The new Web Portal also offers:
-- News feeds for national, regional and posting of local news of interest
-- Health information page to address the disparities in health care and diseases that affect Hispanics
-- Hispanic Marketing page with tips on marketing to the Hispanic population, media lists and listings to Hispanic publications
-- Professional development tools
-- One-stop source for Latino Arts & Culture
-- Links to organizations that advocate and provide services for Hispanics

HPN President and CEO Gil Martinez first developed HispanicPortal.Org in 1999

Since 1990, the Hispanic population in Connecticut has more than doubled and there are now more than 1.2 million Hispanics in New England, according to the U.S. Census.

Check it out.


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