latino lingo

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Monday, February 20, 2006

Latinos less likely to self-test and treat their diabetes

An article in Market Analysis , which is part of, reports on findings from GfK Market Measures study that Latinos are less likely to self-test and treat their disease than diabetes patients in the general U.S. population. Further, the study, called "Roper U.S. Latino Diabetes Patient Market Study," found that unacculturated Latinos with diabetes are less likely than their English-speaking Latino counterparts to be proactive in their diabetes care and to seek out information and interact with their doctors. They are also less healthy overall.

Half of the estimated 2.2 million Latinos with diabetes are Spanish dominant, the article says.

This revealed that the "sizable Latino market offers pharmaceutical and medical-device manufacturers an opportunity to capture additional market share through tailored, culturally sensitive communications." Haven't we been saying this all along?

These findings indicate the need for education programs directed toward Spanish-dominant Latinos about benefits of prescription medications, blood glucose testing, and exercise, the article says.

The research also revealed the best media through which to communicate with the Latino diabetes market.

-- Fifty-two percent of patients use television as a source of diabetes information, with more than 80% saying the saw advertising for medications and blood glucose monitors on TV.
-- Nearly half of respondents used patient information pamphlets and diabetes magazines
-- 1 in 3 cited word-of-mouth
-- Almost 20% of patients obtained diabetes information from the radio.

"To be successful, tailoring communications to these distinct audiences must go beyond simply providing Spanish translations of existing English-language materials," David Jacobson, senior vice president of GfK Market Measures' Roper global diabetes program, is quoted as saying in the article.


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