latino lingo

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Thursday, April 05, 2012

Amazon opens Tienda Kindle (eBooks Kindle en Español), hoping to capitalize on the growing power of Latino spending, has launched its first Spanish-language e-book store called Tienda Kindle offering 30,000+ titles.

The article cites a study by Pew showing that 21 percent of adults have read e-books in the past year, and that number keeps ticking upward. In a three month period, between December 2011 to February 2012, it increased by three percent.

While a book store owner is quoted as saying the price point of e-Readers are out of reach to Latinos, a survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project points to the contrary.  That survey showed that Hispanics have among the highest rates of table ownership at 15%.  Not to mention the fact Latinos spent more than $5 billion on mobile products over the holidays.

I wish the article author had done a little more homework before quoting a bookstore owner who stands to lose business with the increasing adaption of e-Readers and clearly doesn't understand the market.


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