Feliz Memorial Day
Today we pay tribute to the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It doesn't matter your political affiliations or personal beliefs about war, there is no argument against the fact our way of life was won on many battlefronts from the beginning of time. These victories were delivered on the backs of our service men and women, many of whom died in battle so that we didn't have to.
It's not exactly known how Memorial Day actually began, but it was officially proclaimed in early May 1868, and was first observed on 30 May 1868.
A special tribute to the more than 3,400 Medal of Honor recipients; including the 39 Latinos who were awarded our nation's highest medal. The first of whom was Corporal Joseph De Castro, who earned it in the fields of Gettysburg in 1863 during the Civil War.
It's not exactly known how Memorial Day actually began, but it was officially proclaimed in early May 1868, and was first observed on 30 May 1868.
A special tribute to the more than 3,400 Medal of Honor recipients; including the 39 Latinos who were awarded our nation's highest medal. The first of whom was Corporal Joseph De Castro, who earned it in the fields of Gettysburg in 1863 during the Civil War.
At 12:09 PM ,
Idler said...
Permit me to add a couple of details about the history of the day. The name "Memorial Day" wasn't used until 1882. The original holiday, Decoration Day, proclaimed in 1868 to honor Civil War dead, was renamed Memorial Day in 1882 and used as an occasion to honor soldiers who died in other wars. Interestingly, Southerners didn't observe the day until after World War I, preferring in the meanwhile to honor their Civil War dead on a different day.
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