latino lingo

All things related to effective Hispanic marketing, Hispanic advertising and Hispanic public relations.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

No "thank you" ... but at least they listened

I e-mailed a contact I know at the Hospital of Saint Rafael a few weeks ago regarding this ad that I noticed they were running in a Spanish newspaper in Connecticut. The ad has to do with their replacement surgery and it shows a happy older couple and the headline reads "No deje pasar esto," which reads "Don't let this happen (to you)."

I thought it a little odd, especially since the couple looks so happy. I thought, "geez, I hope this DOES happen to me when I get older."

The intent, I suspect, was to say the equivalent of something like "Don't let this pass you by" since the copy has to do with their services that supposedly would return you to a life where you could happily dip your wife.

While I never heard anything back, I did notice this past week the same ad with a new headline in a different Spanish newspaper.
This time, the headline reads, "No te sientes mientras otros bailan," which means, "Don't sit while others dance."
Much better.


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