Spanish-Language Usage Equals Higher Convenience Store Shopping Frequency
On average, Hispanics visit convenience stores more frequently on a monthly basis compared to non-Hispanics, according to a recently released report by The NPD Group.
The report, "The Hispanic Convenience Store Shopper," finds that Hispanics overall made almost two more visits a month than non-Hispanics to major oil chain c-stores, and nearly one more visit over a 30-day period to traditional c-stores than non-Hispanics.
Hispanics on average also spent more at convenience stores than non-Hispanics with spending levels among Hispanics increasing as acculturation level decreases.
The report, "The Hispanic Convenience Store Shopper," finds that Hispanics overall made almost two more visits a month than non-Hispanics to major oil chain c-stores, and nearly one more visit over a 30-day period to traditional c-stores than non-Hispanics.
Hispanics on average also spent more at convenience stores than non-Hispanics with spending levels among Hispanics increasing as acculturation level decreases.