Hispanics Buy Brands that Empower Their Cultural Relevancy
A Forbes article reinforces what we've been saying for some time: Hispanics are more inclined to build trustworthy relationships with people and companies that take the time to understand who we are and what we represent morally, ethically and culturally. This is important because Hispanics are the largest immigrant group to exhibit significant sustainability of their culture and are not disappearing into the American melting pot.
The article goes on to say that the Hispanic market can no longer be viewed as a short-term expense, but rather should be approached as a strategic long-term investment. Cultural relevance is key. However, cultural relevancy is a two-way conversation. This means marketers must allow the Hispanic consumer to influence how they brand their brands.
The article goes on to say that the Hispanic market can no longer be viewed as a short-term expense, but rather should be approached as a strategic long-term investment. Cultural relevance is key. However, cultural relevancy is a two-way conversation. This means marketers must allow the Hispanic consumer to influence how they brand their brands.
Labels: Hispanic communication, Hispanic marketing, Hispanic purchasing power, Latino Cultural Identity, transcreation